Monday 11 February 2013

Next stop, Newcastle!

Not so much a fashion related post but this weekend I went to Newcastle to check out Northumbria university and attend an interview. I've never been to Newcastle before but found it really easy to find my way around and the uni is really central to one of the main high streets which is really useful if you study a fashion course. Of course I couldn't walk down the high street without popping into a few shops and yes we have the same in London but they're always different! Picked up a few things from Primark which was inevitable and might post later. Also found lots of cheap and lively bars and pubs and thought all the locals were very friendly. I was really impressed with Northumbria and it lived up to my every expectation so now I'm just crossing my fingers and toes for a place!

Some snaps from my trip: top left - Newcastle Quayside,
Millennium bridge, top right - interview outfit snippet, bottom left - selfie, bottom right - Northumbria university 

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